Nigerian chess master Tunde Onakoya broke the Guinness World Record by playing 60 hours in Times Square.

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By Mila

“To beat the Guinness World Record for longest chess marathon, Nigerian chess champion and child education advocate Tunde Onakoya played uninterrupted for 60 hours in Times Square.”

Guinness World Record

In Image: Nigerian chess champion Tunde Onakoya deep in concentration as he attempts to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon.


“Tunde Onakoya, a 29-year-old Nigerian chess champion, started the remarkable sixty-hour chess marathon in Times Square and finished it at 12:40 a.m. on April 20. Onakoya and American chess champion Shawn Martinez competed under the Guinness World Record format, with each player getting five minutes off for every hour of play. Onakoya was able to interact with the Nigerians and New Yorkers who had come to support him during these often crowded stops, sometimes even dancing with them. “

If Guinness World Records confirms that this marathon beats the previous record of 56 hours, 9 minutes, and 37 seconds, Onakoya will become the new record holder. A subject near and dear to Onakoya’s heart, the marathon was a component of a $1 million fundraising campaign for African children’s education.

The Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon was recently broken by Tunde Onakoya, a Nigerian chess champion and supporter of early education. In addition to being a test of stamina, his 60-hour marathon in the middle of Times Square made a strong message in favor of education for African children. Raising $1 million for education efforts, this historic endeavor has drawn support from a broad range of individuals, including New Yorkers passing by and prominent Nigerians. It has attracted attention from people worldwide.

The Guinness World Record attempt by Tunde Onakoya for the longest chess marathon was an incredible feat of stamina, talent, and commitment to a worthy cause. In the center of Times Square, New York, the 29-year-old Nigerian chess champion set out to shatter the current Guinness World Record of 56 hours, 9 minutes, and 37 seconds by playing nonstop for 60 hours. This audacious project was intended to raise $1 million to promote education for impoverished children across Africa. It was also a dramatic statement intended to challenge his mental and physical endurance.

Following the rigorous rules established by Guinness World Records, Onakoya competed against US chess champion Shawn Martinez throughout the marathon. Both players had five-minute intervals for every hour of play, which were sometimes grouped together to provide Onakoya a chance to mingle with the fervent supporters in the stands. Onakoya danced with fans and accepted the outpouring of love from both Nigerians and New Yorkers, turning the gathering into a cultural festival.

This Guinness World Record attempt is significant for reasons other than just chess. It is a part of a larger effort to draw attention to the value of education for the millions of African kids who do not have access to educational opportunities. Onakoya’s will to shatter the record is evidence of his dedication to this cause; he uses his position to raise awareness of the difficulties young kids experience around the world.

If verified, Onakoya’s accomplishment will not only earn him a spot in the Guinness World Records but also act as motivation for others by demonstrating that, with passion and a cause bigger than oneself, even the most difficult objectives can be accomplished.


In Image: Tunde Onakoya shares a moment of connection with supporters, blending the intensity of the chess marathon with the joy of community and cultural celebration.

The marathon in Onakoya started on April 17 and ended at 12:40 a.m. on Saturday, April 20, a total of 58 hours later. The 29-year-old’s commitment to the game was clear from his nonstop play, which included just five-minute pauses every hour in accordance with Guinness World Record regulations. Onakoya was able to temporarily reunite with his followers during these intervals, which were often grouped together, since many of them had congregated in Times Square to cheer him on. Nigerian musician Davido was among the enthusiastic spectators, and his presence heightened the exciting energy surrounding the occasion.

Onakoya competed against American chess champion Shawn Martinez throughout the marathon and in Guinness World Record . Over the course of two days, this difficult encounter demonstrated Onakoya’s strategic acumen and mental toughness. Onakoya’s marathon will beat the previous record of 56 hours, 9 minutes, and 37 seconds if confirmed by Guinness World Records.

There was more to Onakoya’s desire to smash the world record than merely reaching a new height. It was a symbolic deed to help a cause dear to his heart: providing education to African youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds. Onakoya has committed his life to using chess as a means to empower kids in the poorest neighborhoods on the continent since he founded Chess in Slums Africa in 2018. His nonprofit organization wants to educate one million kids in Africa and give them hope and the conviction that, as he often declares, “It is possible to do great things from a small place.”

To help with this aim, there was a fundraising chess marathon in Guinness World Record . Taiwo Adeyemi, the manager of Onakoya, said that $22,000 had already been raised at the conclusion of the first 20 hours. The aim was to raise $1 million, and the amount of support that was shown both online and at the event suggested that this lofty goal may be accomplished.

Onakoya’s marathon received an enormous amount of support from people in person and online. Throughout the occasion, an African music performance took place in Times Square, fostering a sense of joy and solidarity. Fans gathered from all walks of life, their cries and screams giving Onakoya more energy to perform with. Another important tool for getting the word out was the internet, where a large number of individuals shared updates and showed support for Onakoya’s cause.

The moment former vice president of Nigeria Yemi Osinbajo praised Onakoya on X (formerly Twitter) was one of the most moving. He recalled his inspirational statement, “It is possible to do great things from a small place.” Many people found great resonance in this message, which underscored the importance of Onakoya’s journey as a leader and role model in addition to his accomplishments as a chess player.

The marathon is a manifestation of Onakoya’s larger outlook for Africa’s future. His work is a ray of hope in an area where over 10 million school-age children are not enrolled in school. Chess in Slums Africa is Onakoya’s way of demonstrating that even in the most difficult situations, change is possible. His marathon endeavor was more than simply an attempt to break a record; it was a declaration of faith in the ability of every kid, no matter what their circumstances.

The money earned during the marathon will be used specifically to increase chess’s popularity in Africa’s impoverished areas. With the funds, Onakoya intends to establish further chess academies in impoverished areas of Nigeria and other African nations. These academies will provide kids the chance to learn chess, hone their critical thinking abilities, and get an education that may lead to better opportunities in the future.

A life characterized by tenacity, Onakoya’s trip to Times Square and his effort to shatter the Guinness World Record are the most recent episode. Onakoya, who was born and reared in Nigeria, had many difficulties as a child, including restricted access to high-quality education. Chess, on the other hand, gave him comfort and strength and taught him important lessons about patience, strategy, and perseverance.

His outlook on life and his work with chess in African slums have been influenced by these teachings. According to Onakoya, chess can be a potent vehicle for positive transformation, giving kids the tools they need to learn how to deal with life’s challenges. This conviction was shown by his marathon, when he gave it all he had to further a cause he is deeply committed to.

Additionally, the chess marathon served as a celebration of African identity and culture. The marathon served as a showcase for the rich and varied culture of the continent, from the music that played throughout to the appearance of well-known Africans like Davido. To sustain his stamina throughout the marathon, Onakoya provided jollof rice, a staple of West Africa, underscoring the link to his origins.

This cultural festival served as a method to recognize the tradition and history of the millions of children that Chess in Slums Africa seeks to assist, in addition to providing entertainment. In order to give the kids he supports a sense of pride and self-assurance, Onakoya highlighted the power and beauty of African culture.

Tunde Onakoya’s marathon serves as a tribute to the strength of will and the influence of one person’s vision as he waits for Guinness World Records to confirm his record. Regardless of whether he officially breaks the record, Onakoya has already accomplished something far more significant: he has brought attention to the difficulties that millions of African children face and galvanized support for their education throughout the globe.

The adventure of Onakoya is far from over. He plans to use the money earned from the marathon to further develop Chess in Slums Africa, enabling more kids to play and equipping them with the resources they need for success. His is an inspiring tale of perseverance, optimism, and “it is possible to do great things from a small place.”

In summary

“In addition to being an account of perseverance, Tunde Onakoya’s bid to surpass the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon is also a tale of optimism, tenacity, and the transforming potential of education. By spending 60 hours playing a marathon of strategic video games, Onakoya has illuminated the potential in every kid and the significance of giving them the chance to learn, even in the most difficult circumstances. One thing is certain while the world watches and waits for the official confirmation of his record: Tunde Onakoya has already left an enduring impression on the globe, encouraging countless others to believe in the potential for greatness no matter where they begin.”

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