Google updates Gemini 1.5 Pro and introduces AI Overviews in US search

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By Mila

“Google’s statements at Google I/O 2024 LIVE came one day after Microsoft-backed OpenAI presented GPT-4o, a new AI model.”

At the I/O developers event held by the search engine giant in California on Tuesday, Sundar Pichai, the president and CEO of Google, delivered a number of significant announcements, the majority of which focused on artificial intelligence.

Live coverage of Google’s I/O 2024 event:

During the course of this week, Sundar said that the computing powerhouse would be presenting the AI Summary to all of its customers in the United States.
The chief executive officer of the technology company also made an announcement on enhancements to the Gemini Pro 1.5 model, which is able to comprehend an enormous quantity of data.

As a result of the announcement made by Google CEO Pichai, the quantity of tokens has been increased to 2 million, which means that the artificial intelligence has the capacity to answer questions when it is provided with numerous pages of text or over an hour of video to consume in response to a single prompt.
In addition, customers to Google’s Gemini Advanced service will have access to the Pro model, which will begin with transaction sizes of up to one million tokens, which are bits of data.

With the use of generative artificial intelligence, AI Overviews is able to synthesize knowledge and provide answers to more complicated questions in which really is no straightforward solution.

The announcements made by Google come a day after OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft, presented its new artificial intelligence model known as GPT-4o. This model enables its top-selling ChatGPT to react via voice in real time and to be interrupted. These are two characteristics that are characteristics of realistic voice conversations, which AI voice assistants such as Google Assistant have found difficult to achieve.

Additionally, Google has introduced an updated Gemini model that is referred to as 1.5 Flash. This model has a lesser weight in comparison to the 1.5 Pro model. It is tailored for jobs where minimal latency and cost are important, such as chat apps, extracting data from large documents, and other similar operations, according to the business.

According to the tech giant with headquarters in Mountain View, it has built a variety of artificial intelligence systems that are capable of translating vision and communication into action for robots, navigating complicated virtual three-dimensional settings, and solving arithmetic problems that are on par with those found in the Olympiad.

Also, the firm unveiled a new effort called “Project Astra,” which is centered on the development of an artificial intelligence assistant that would be able to be of genuine assistance in day-to-day living.

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